Create New Wallet

Enter password

Generate Wallet

Already have a wallet somewhere?

  • Ledger / TREZOR / BitBox / Secalot : Use your hardware wallet . Your device * is * your wallet.

  • MetaMask Connect via your MetaMask Extension . So easy! Keys stay in MetaMask, not on a phishing site! Try it today.

Save your Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

**Do not lose it!** It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

**Do not share it!** Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

**Make a backup!** Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.

Not Downloading a File?

  • Try using Google Chrome
  • Right click & save file as. Filename:

Don't open this file on your computer

  • Use it to unlock your wallet via MyEtherWallet (or Mist, Geth, Parity & other wallet clients.)

Guides & FAQ

Save your Private Key


**Do not lose it!** It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

**Do not share it!** Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

**Make a backup!** Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

Save your Address

Guides & FAQ

Why Should I?

  • To have a secondary backup.
  • In case you ever forget your password.
  • Cold Storage


Unlock your wallet to see your address

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

You arrived via a link that has the address, amount, gas or data fields filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started.


Send Ether & Tokens

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.

Generate & Send Offline Transaction

Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer)


Step 3: Send / Publish Transaction

Paste the signed transaction from Step 2


Read / Write Contract

{{ contract.address }}

Please change the address to your own Multisig Contract Address.

  1. Generate EOS Key-pair
  2. Register / Map your EOS Key
    • Select `register`
    • Enter your **EOS Public Key** <--- CAREFUL! EOS PUBLIC KEY!
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send : 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000
  3. Fund EOS Contract on Send Page
    • Go to Send XERO & Tokens Page
    • Unlock same wallet you are unlocking here.
    • Send Amount you want to Contribute to `0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf`
    • Gas Limit: at least 90000
  4. Claim EOS Tokens
    • Select `claimAll`.
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000


Byte Code:


Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction


View Wallet Details

This page allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. You may want to do this in order to [import your account into Geth/Mist]( If you want to check your balance, we recommend using a blockchain explorer like

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

Check TX Status

Transaction Found

{{ tx.hash }}

Transaction Not Found

Pending Transaction Found

Transaction Details

TX Hash {{ txInfo.hash }}
From Address {{ txInfo.from }}
To Address {{ }}
Amount {{ txInfo.valueStr }}
Nonce {{ txInfo.nonce }}
Gas Limit {{ txInfo.gasLimit }}
Gas Price {{ txInfo.gasPrice.gwei }} GWEI ({{ txInfo.gasPrice.wei }} WEI)
Data {{ }}

Cancel or Replace Transaction


Unlock your wallet to replace your transaction. (But, please be careful)

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.
Please unlock the wallet with address
{{ txInfo.from }}

Bulk Generate Wallets

Number of Wallets To Generate

Generate Wallets

Generate Wallets

Success! Your wallets have been generated.

**You need your Keystore File + password or Private Key** to access this wallet in the future. Please save & back it up externally! There is no way to recover a wallet if you do not save it. Read the [help page]( for instructions.
Address Identicon Address Private Key (unencrypted)